"The Word of the Lord endureth forever."
1 Peter 1:25
Christian Book Room
In Christian Book Room, Bibles, Gospel Books and Literature are available in English, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese for personal ministry.
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List of English Books & Booklets 英文書籍清單 :
Beautiful Grace by G.C. Willis
Epistle to the Ephesians The Church at Thessalonica by J. G. Bellett
Greasy the Robber translated by Charles Lukesh
Guide-Posts to the Cross by O.B. Sarber, M.A
Hymns Their Use and Abuse by Alfred P. Gibbs
Incidents of Gospel Work – How the Lord hath led me by Charles Stanley
Martinko by Kristina Roy
Musings on Epistle to Hebrews by J.G. Bellett
Out of His Treasure by William Hoste
Simple Talks on the Tabernacle by D.H. Dolman
Soul Food – Devout Themes for the Quiet Hour
The Divine Plan of Missions by W.E. Vine
The Gospel We Preach by George Goodman
The Life that Pleases God by Dr. A.T. Schofield
Thoughts and Suggestions on the Book of Ruth by H.G. Moss
Treasures from Ruth by Charles Stanley
Will a God of Love Punish Any of His Creatures For Ever by Alex. Marshall
The Heart of Man by J.A. Short “Heart of Man” Teaching Charts – set of 5
The Heart of God by J.A. Short “Heart of God” Teaching Charts – set of 4
Sowing & the Heart by J.A. Short “Sowing and the Heart” Teaching Chart
The Challenge of John’s Gospel
The Challenge of Acts
Amillennialism Weight & Found Wanting by John R. Ecob D.D.
A Few Hid Treasures Found in the Greek New Testament by G.C. Willis
Adelaide Addresses by Dr. Roland C. Edwards
Baptism by H.A.Ironside
Between the two evenings – Notes of an address on Leviticus 23:5 by G.J.S.
Beyond The Grave by John R. Ecob D.D.
Blazing the Trail by W.A. Long
Blind Chang – The Christian Martyr of Manchuria
Born Crucified by L.E.Maxwell
Born to Reproduce by Dawson Trotman
Change by S.E.Robinson
Children’s Scriptural Colouring Book
Divine Headships of the Bible by W.E. Vine, M.A.
Divine Love by J.A.Short
Enjoying Ecclesiastes by William MacDonald
Eternity to Eternity by John R. Ecob D.D.
Extreme Devotion
Four Essentials – A Gospel Booklet
God’s Dwelling Place on Earth by J.Murray Duncan
God’s Way of Electing Souls to Eternal Life as Revealed in His Word by M.S.B.
Here Am I Lord…but send Daphne by J.A. Short
How to Mark Your Bible by Mrs. Stephen Menzies
Illuminated Children’s Scripture Colouring Book “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart”
Lays of Life and Hope by William Blane
Leviticus for Lambs by Arthur Smith
Mary of Bethany by J.R. Miller
Not wrath but rapture by H.A.Ironside
Our Lord’s Appointed Feast by Norman C.Deck, B.D.S
”Reception” is it to God’s assembly – or to the Lord’s table? by J.M.Flanigan
Sacrifices of Joy by G. Christoper Willis
Short Papers by G.V. Wigram
Sin and Sins by C.W.
Synopsis of the Books of the Bible by J.N. Darby
Tales from the Middle Kingdom –Stories of China by A.F. & G.C. Willis
The Bible Prophecy Handbook by John R. Ecob D.D.
The Blessed Hope by Hamilton Smith
The Bridge – a bible study correspondence course
The Bushman’s Guide by W.Arnord Long
The Continual Burnt Offering – Daily Meditations on the Word of God by H.A.Ironside
The Existence of Evil, its origin, permission and ultimate benefit by M.S.B.
The Kingdom of God & The Kingdom of Heaven by Earl Miller
The Levitical Offerings by H.A.Ironside
The Lord’s Supper – a memorial of Christ by J.G.Bellett
The Story of Robert Moffat –The Gardener Lad Who Became a Missionary
The Story of the Bamboo – a parable by B.E. Newcombe
The Sufferings of Christ by J.N. Darby
The Supreme Authority of the Lord Jesus Christ by D. Peter H.L. Wee
The Weapons of our Warfare by J.A. Short
The Wonder of the Book by Professor Dyson Hague
This Tremendous Lover – An Exposition of the “Hound of Heaven” by R. Moffat Gautrey
Three Days and Three Nights in Jerusalem
To Bala for a Bible – The Story of the beginnings of the Bible Society by Elisabath Williams
Tortured for Christ by Richard Wurmbrand
Tradition or Truth by Vince Wall
True Discipleship by William McDonald
Unfailing Triumph – memories of George Muller with many of his choice sayings by Charles R. Parsons
Versions, Manuscripts, and 19th Century Critics by John R. Ecob D.D.
Wonders of the Hebrew Alphabet by W.E.Steele-Smith
Wrecks on the Burma Road
33 Prophecies Fulfilled in One Day
A Letter from a marine
Adam or Christ
Amelia Matilda Hull
Authority and Power
Behold, He Cometh! - Scriptures anticipating the personal return of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Believer's Baptism by Alfred P. Gibbs
Canaan and the Armor of God
Christ is the Answer
Christians gathered to the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ by W.E.Vine
Cripple Tom
Divine Healing
Eight Things that Matter
Election and Predestination
Forgiven and forgotten
Fragrance for Christ
God’s Solution for Man’s Problem
Golden Bells and Pomegranates
His Riches, Our Riches
Holy Bible – My Reading Record
How Shall I Give You up
Looking unto Jesus
Messiah the Prince of Peace and the Word of God by Jewish prophets
One Name Alone
Remember Me
Report on the term question
Sins and Self By Inglis Fleming
Sit, Walk, Stand
Snow Water
That in all things He might be the preeminence
That’s a Good Question
The Catholic Crisis by Vince Wall
The Dew
The father and the prodigal by J.N.Darby
The Faults of Others
The Future of the Lost
The Gospel
The Incomparable Christ
The Jewish Tabernacle by J.E.Aris
The little things that count
The Name
The NonNegotiable Gospel by Dave Hunt
The Paralysis of Analysis
The Pot of Oil
The Provoked Spirit
The Wounds of Christ
Things that pertain unto life
To Whom Shall We Go?
Unspoken Prayer
Well-Doing, Weariness, Waiting
Why with Jesus?
Our books, cards, tracts and materials are available free of charge. We appreciate however your donation towards cost of production and postage (Official receipt issued).
List of Chinese Books & Booklets 中文書籍清單 :
主權 (Lordship)
潔淨 (Clean)
獨身 (Singleness- A Male Perspective)
髒仔 (Greasy)
傳道 (The Preacher & His Preaching)
福樂 (Happiness)
敬拜 (Worship)
教會 (Church)
真門徒 (True Discipleship)
馬丁可 (Martinko)
坐.立.行 (Sit, Walk, Stand)
問得好 (That’s A Good Question)
救知樂 (Safety, Certainty & Enjoyment)
人的心 (The Heart Of Man)
神的心 (The Heart Of GOD)
聖經課題 (上册- 舊約) - 給予老師及傳道人的五年硏習課程
聖經課題 (下册- 新約) - 給予老師及傳道人的五年硏習課程
分別在此 (Here’s The Difference)
元首之權 (Headship)
主的晚餐 (The Lord’s Supper)
美麗恩典 (Beautiful Grace)
回轉之路 (There’s A Way Back To GOD)
飛越邊境 (Flight Over The Border)
棄假歸真 (Turn To GOD From Idols)
福音四要 (The 4 Essentials)
神或上帝 (Report On The Term Question)
祂的一生 (He Lived Among Us)
天路靈糧 (Pilgrim Portions)
世局縱橫 (The Next Move)
人生豐年 (The Best Is Yet To Be)
救恩之道 (GOD’s Way Of Salvation)
歸向基督 (Unto Christ)
奇妙的書 (The Wonder Of The Book)
基督之傷 (The Wounds Of Christ)
愛主忠僕 (Beloved Faithful Servants)
召會真理 (Assembly Truth)
日領神道 (One Day At A Time)
婚姻與家庭 (Marriage and the Family)
亞當與基督 (Adam Or Christ)
重新與釘死 (Born Crucified)
完全的奉獻 (Consecration (Lev. 6 & 19))
只是個僕人 (Only A Servant)
彌賽亞詩篇 (The Messianic Psalms)
十架的能力 (The Power Of The Cross)
請差遣阿美 (Here Am I Lord, But Send Daphne!)
撒種與心田 (Sowing & The Heart)
啟示錄註解 (The Revelation)
聖經預言概說 (Eternity To Eternity)
神選民的信心 (The Faith Of GOD’s Elect)
為的是記念我 (Remember Me)
約翰福音的挑戰 (The Challenge Of John’s Gospel)
為屬靈繁衍而生 (Born To Reproduce)
滇緬路上的壞車 (Wrecks On The Burma Road)
無神論錯謬剖析 (The Answer To Moscow’s Bible)
分析導致的麻木 (The Paralysis Of Analysis)
如何輔導耶証人士 (A Manual On Counselling Jehovah’s Witnesses)
榮美的主耶穌基督 (The Moral Glory Of The Lord Jesus Christ)
教會書信中的召會 (The Church In The Pastoral Epistles)
祂的富足, 我們的富足
二十個原因我不追求 (20 Reasons Why I Neither Seek Nor Desire The Present-day Gift Of ‘Tongues’)
瑪麗瓊斯和她的聖經 (Mary Jones And Her Bible)
給青年信徒十二封信 (Twelve Letters To Young Believers)
主耶穌基督的至高權柄 (Supreme Authority Of The Lord)
奉主耶穌名聚會的基督徒 (Christians Gathered In The Name Of The Lord Jesus)
一位愛的神會永遠惩罪祂的造物嗎 (Will A GOD OF Love Punish Any Of His Creatures For Ever?)
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